Sunday, August 3, 2008

Tim Tams are coming!

My Aunt Egg rang today to say she was coming over. She's having a quick trip in October once the footy season is over and before the real cold hits. She's spending a few days in Singapore visiting my brother and his wife and kids and then a few days here in Denmark. She said did she want us to bring some Tim Tams? Like, is she for real?????? Is okay. I will have lost the 7kg by then.


PiNG aka Patti said...

Now you're talking! A friend from Australia once shipped some of those to our offices - those things are a little taste of heaven!!

MoMo 2.0 said...

LOL! We all have our vices! My daughter brought me 9 POUNDS of JIF PEANUT BUTTER when she came 2 weeks ago!

hopefully your aunt will bring enough for you AND for NQDII so you dont have to ration them! LOL

NotQuiteDanish said...

Ping: They are pretty good but I have to do a lot of work and starving before I deserve them.

Kelli: 9lbs??? And, don't tell me it's all gone...