Tuesday, June 24, 2008

For Chops and Buff

I recently got in contact with an old chum, Chops. This is for Chops' and Buff's 80's European adventure. I guess you'll remember it :)


Chops said...

Woo Hoo! I feel almost famous! That was my favourite song from travelling around Turkey in minivans in 1986. I've actually been scrapbooking my old travel photos and diaries (I'll spare you) which has really been a blast from the past.

NotQuiteDanish said...

You are almost famous! This blog has more hits than the Beatles :) I think about 1986 and other 80s and it doesn't seem that long ago. Then I look in the mirror and I feel I could be talking about the 1880s rather than the 1980s :(

But yes. Modern Talking. I used to wonder about the name but now writing for a non-native English speaking market, I can quite see how they came up with the name! (Although until that clip, I always thought it was sung by a woman..)