Monday, June 23, 2008

Skt Hans night

Firstly, I am undoubtedly an abysmal blogger. Where does the time go?

Today the weather is extremely disagreeable. The wind is blustery and I had a head wind holding me back on the way to work and coming home. What is it about Danish wind that it changes direction just to piss me off?

Sadly, tonight is Skt. Hans night or St John’s I guess, which doesn’t bode well for bonfire enthusiasts. I’d take Hamish (NQDII is in Dublin for the week) but it’s raining on and off and I don’t know that I want to stay up until midnight on a ‘school night’ waiting for the dark to appear.

Still, I’m happy enough to be able to rest easy tomorrow knowing the witches will have been sent on their evil way to Germany once the sun finally sets and all will be well come morn.

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