Monday, November 17, 2008

Okay Barack and Michelle, I dare ya!

To be honest, before we got Hamish I was never a doggy person. We always had dogs of the farm growing up but they were farm dogs. But, when I bought Hamish, I immediately fell in love with him. Must be old age.

Looking through The Times online early this morning, I found this pic in an article about hypo-allergenic dogs for the new Presidential family in the US. He or she is the same 'breed' as Hamish - a labradoodle. I use the term 'breed' loosely because there's a lot of hoo-ha about labradoodles and their authenticity as a breed, because they're so new. I don't worry about all that because in that respect, I'm not a snob.

Not a day goes by in København when I take Hamish for a walk and someone comments on him. Seriously. 'Hvad er han for en race?' I get. I think he's the only one in Denmark. He's hugely popular and laps up the attention. I think the Obama's could do worse.

I mean, can you not be affected by this pic or am I getting sentimental in my own age?

I wonder if the Fogh's have a dog?



Kelli Nørgaard said...

Old age or not....anyone with a HEART has to go "awwwwwww......" as soon as that pic pops up! If that does not happen, they ought to check their pulse!! SOO CUTE

NotQuiteDanish said...

They are cute. If I didn't life up a gazillion flights of stairs and share a back yard, I'd get another dog.

May said...

Seriously, if you had posted just a close-up of the face, I would have sworn it wasn't a real dog, but a teddy bear. :)

PS. I wasn't a doggy person either until I got my first dog and now I'm on my second.