Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Welcome to my world

This is an actual picture of the sky in Copenhagen at 5pm. This sight greets me when I wake at 0600 and when I look out my window at work at 1600hr. Inspiring, eh? Actually, I don't mind it that much, except that my body want's to do a lot of sleeping at the moment.

I start yawning at about 3pm.

And, for instance, last Saturday, when we went to that wine tasting, it started at 7.30pm. At 5.30pm I said to NQDII, 'It's too dark to go out. Let's just go to bed." Seriously, by 8pm I am ready for bed at the moment!

Condition yourself NQD, condition yourself NQD...

Don't succumb to the darkness...

Don't succumb to the darkness!


Can't fight ittt...



MoMo 2.0 said...

"amen" says the woman sitting in Jutland wearing her flannel pj bottoms.. .pretty sure it is bedtime.

DreaminginDanish said...

yeah dude...totally.

PiNG aka Patti said...

Definitely with you. I personally HATE getting up while it's still dark outside.

NQD - While I'm here - you may want to check this out as it involves a fellow Aussie...


Anonymous said...

Ah yeah, the darkness.

May the force be with you! *Yoda style*

Bear said...

embrace the darkness. it's winter.