Saturday, May 24, 2008

Look what we got! (og en bryllup)

Today is a big day. With this superb weather, we decided to get – yes, wait for it – a clothes’ horse!

Plus, this:

Yes, my new mobile phone!

Prepared to hit the horrendous crowds that appear on Saturdays who, like everyone else, have to get every item on the grocery or maintenance lists before the shops close, I was prepared for the worst. It’s true. It’s a battleground on Saturdays on the streets here.

But today was different. At Frederiksberg Centret there was barely a sole about and usually you can’t move. I couldn’t work it out until I found out why.


Yup, today Prince Joachim, like millions of others around the world, is going to have another go at tying the knot. This time it’s with a young Frenchwoman called Marie Cavallier. It’s almost spooky in a way because apart from sharing the Franco version of Crown Princess Mary’s name, Marie sort of even looks like her.

The oddest thing is the wedding isn’t even in Copenhagen. It’s in the town in Jutland where Joachim’s estate is but obviously Copenhageners intend to somehow be a part of it.

I stayed securely at home last night and thought I’d watch television, drink wine and eat lasagne and my favourite homemade ice cream. I could choose from three pre-wedding documentaries (one of them a royal quiz with Danish celebrities being asked questions, as the sipped on champagne and became even more giggly) or the Friday night movie, Runaway Bride, featuring Julia Roberts, which made me think the media might know something about Marie that we do not…

Now that I’m home with not only a new phone but a clothes’ horse, I can’t help but think perhaps I should have also bought one for Joachim and Marie. They’re very handy and help the environment.

Anyway, good wishes to both of them – that romantic honeymoon period of any relationship is fantastic and it also allows you to save energy for the ups and downs decades after that period finishes! ☹

I’m off to play with my new ‘phobile moan’.

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