Monday, October 6, 2008

Det er min fødselsdag..

Well, yesterday actually. I'm not into birthdays actually but in 40 odd years, I have only ever had four rain-free birthdays. So just as well I don't expect much. Given Saturday was a glorious day, I kind of figured Sunday would not be so much different. Wrong. The wind howled all night (and I mean *howled*) and it poured torrentially, so I was not disappointed! I'm starting to feel even if I went to Dubai for the day, it would rain.

Nevertheless we had fun. A sodden trip to Rosenborg and dinner last night. Today, we're off to Malmo and the sun is shining.


May said...

Belated happy birthday!

Sorry about the weather. If it's any comfort Saturday wasn't that brilliant over here. C and I went to Århus to celebrate our 10th anniversary and it was pouring down while we had lunch.

Of course today it's bright, happy sunshine. :)

PiNG aka Patti said...

Tillykke med fødselsdag!

DreaminginDanish said...

Happy belated!! I was also taken aback by the horrendous wind that day given how nice it was the day before. Crazy weather we're having...and more sun than usual which I won't complain about.

I wish you a year of happiness, no financial worries, happy dog walks, love, and good will :)

Anonymous said...

Tillykke med fødselsdagen!

well, Danish weather is never friendly (only during summer time) so...maybe it wouldn't have rained in Dubai. (Maybe you should ask someone in Dubai to confirm that LOL)

NotQuiteDanish said...

Thanks all. I am so old now, imagination is a threat to life.

But the weather was dreadful yesterday. You would never know today - clear skies, brilliant (cool) sunshine.

Paula said...

Happy Birthday NDQ!

EKinDK said...

Happy birthday, sir!!! May your dentures always fit your gums snugly and warmly... Yippee!!

Rachel said...

Happy Belated Bday! I hope the sun shines for you again this week... so you can celebrate your birthday-week!

Anonymous said...

PS: Will you be so kind to re-link me at


MoMo 2.0 said...

Happy Birthday NQDI..... finding out that you share your big day with Mads just verifies you must be an incredible person!! :o)
Did you get a KAGEMAND??!! LOL

MoMo 2.0 said...

oops...I meant a BIRTHDAY WEEKEND!!
god, I am having a blonde day....

NotQuiteDanish said...

EK: Now you mention it, in one week, i have broken two fillings in molars on either side of my mouth. Happy birthday indeed... Anyone know a good, cheap dentist in CPH???

NotQuiteDanish said...

Kelli: Mads being as handsome as he is and as nice a soul as he appears to be, doesn't now surprise me he's a Libra :)