When we looked at putting some excitement into what we really thought were our very boring lives and looked at Denmark, we found a site called www.workindenmark.dk .
We read up on lots of enticing things about these wonderful Danes but, perhaps most of all, was their tendency to not work much more than the 9-5 bit. Dolly Parton – Eat. Your. Heart Out. We. Are. Made!
Well, let me put a few things into perspective. I am about to sue www.workindenmark.dk for leading me astray. It might not be getting dark until five o’clock now, but I wouldn’t know because I am usually in the office, toiling away, under the rather uncomfortable feeling that I could be retrenched if I don’t – some have already. Well, sort of. A few people have disappeared under the guise of not enough work and budgets not being met (or something like that because it’s all in Danish and I don’t understand most of it).
Don’t get me wrong, I am not opposed to hard work but I hate working with that hanging over my head.
I’m totally tired of economic downturns and it seems they follow me wherever I go.
On a brighter note, since starting to ride my bike just on three weeks ago, my legs are looking like Jean-Claude’s and I’m even starting to pass the slow coaches.
I have only had one accident…so far.
A girl stopped to answer her mobile telephone. The guy directly behind her swerved in the nick of time and I, of course, ploughed straight into her.
I uttered a mix of Danglish, to which she replied “Jesus Christ!” I didn’t know what to say then, so went on my not-so-merry way.
I was impressed, however, with the young chap on the street who came to her aid. It was extremely chivalrous, even if it was HER FAULT and now one came to my aid!!
NQD, take a tip from me: Around 3 in the afternoon, *quietly* slip out the back door and head home (or go create a bike accident or perhaps pick up a nice bottle of wine). But, leave your office door open, the light(s) on, a jacket on the back of your chair. TAA DAAA!! Everyone thinks you're still there! Working! Late! But you're not! (This little maneuver was well-practiced at one of my old places of work, and very successful at fooling the bosses, I might add.) If anything, you look like a committed workaholic! Bonus! And if all else fails, I'm sure you can hose out barrels for Carlsberg?
I read that website a few times but it didn't seem helpful to me. Anyway, I'm still making up my mind about moving to Denmark because I've been reading some negative comments about the Danes and the country. Take care.
Hehe ek. Actually, Carsberg is just down the road, really, but I might wait for the weather to warm up a tad before I get the hose out!!
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