Saturday, June 6, 2009

Get ready for Sunday

You know how it goes about New York, the city that never closes or sleeps? Well, Copenhagen does. It's mad scramble on Saturdays to get everything done you need to do before the shops shut. Except for the first Sunday of the month. This sends everyone into a fevered frenzy and for some really odd reason, that includes me. Even weirder still, is that I get something on the lines of excitement building when I rarely make use of the day retail-wise anyway.

On Thursday night at Føtex (the supermarket) the staff were even wearing badges saying, 'Don't forget we're open this Sunday'. As if...


Paula said...

coming from the phenomenon known as Singapore, with the mega shopping malls, townshops, shophouses, etc that never close any day of the week- I am strangely not drawn to the shops here at all. I can be perfectly content to stay home on a Sunday and amuse myself in other ways.

NotQuiteDanish said...

i've become exactly the same. There's actually something nice about not having shops open on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

I have to second (or third) that. In Texas, you can get whatever, whenever. Bar none. It's so refreshing to take a day off dammit! And so thoroughly irritating that the mega shops are pushing the small ones out of business by imitating the American modus operandi. I'm usually not that reactionary, but leave well enough alone.

DreaminginDanish said...

Everything is so doggone expensive that i can't be bothered. I go crazy in the supermarket only because food is the only entertainment and pleasure that I have. Aside from the summertime when I can coo at the birds.

Glennis said...

I am sure they will gradually catch up with the rest of the world and allow shopping every day.
We often shop on Sunday in the country, cause frequently its the only day both husband and wives can shop together.