Oh dear…
I will preface this by saying before we actually left to come to Denmark, we had never thought of hiring anyone to look for flats in Denmark for us. Thankfully, at the eleventh hour, I had second thoughts and employed a very helpful Danish woman who runs Hands on Relocation, Hands on Relocation
I thought we may have a problem with our Labradoodle pooch, labradoodles and we do!
It seems Frederiksbergians, or landlords here, don’t think much of dogs over 20cm in height. Consequently, looking for somewhere decent to live permanently is proving a nightmare.
I would just like to point out that Hamish is a very well behaved canine. Sure, he hates pigeons and possums (who doesn’t??) but he can shake hands, answers in English and French – and hopefully soon Danish. He doesn’t bark, doesn’t shed hair and loooooves children. My young niece and nephews will attest to this.
Unfortunately, as Ms Hands on Relocation will verify, this so far hasn’t done much to convince Danish Land Lords/Ladies.
Ms HoR and I spend much of today looking at potential residences. There’s not much to choose from if you have I dog, that much I can tell you. Options are extremely limited. So, if you are planning to move to Denmark and have a dog, make sure it is a Chihuahua!
More flats to look at on Sunday. If anyone has any tips, please let me know!
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