Spare me rising seas, temperatures and that weird stillness the oceans might get, just give me back my friggin’ light globes!
I hate these ‘green’ light bulbs. They’re useless.
NQDII has installed them in every fitting in our house in Melbourne and so has the guy who owns this place. They’re literally haunting me wherever I go. I can’t get away from them. Last night I was reading in bed and, honestly, I had the ‘bedside lamp’, if I may call it that, one inch away from the pages of the book in order to read it.
What’s next? A boom in the Labrador trade? Seriously, no offence or anything un- PC to the visually impaired but I am fast becoming blind at night myself. It’s ludicrous. They’re not hygge, they’re ridiculous.
Okay, so living in one of the flattest countries in the world, you may think I’d have more important green things to worry about but I can assure you, the person who invents green light bulbs that actually project effective light will be the next Bill Gates. I wish it could be me but I know nothing about gases or whatever is in them.
2 months ago
My dad bought them before Global Warming talk was everywhere. They break very easily unlike the traditional light bulbs that last longer. We were thinking if we get a civiel ceremony in his hometown, then he could start the family reunification paper. Or I could do a Working Holiday program, which will require me stop school for a year. It's hard to know what's best for us...Take care.
I study in sociology, I doubt there's any work for that in Denmark.
Well, perhaps you could do a university swap too? Transfer? It's probably a good idea to finish your course anyway. That way, when you do get married, you'll have qualifications which will put you in a good position to build a financially secure life.
My University doesn't offer any exchange program, except for School of Journalism. They always ask fro high GPA students, which low GPA students like me never have a chance. I think it's a discrimination, but it's the way the system goes. I guess we want to rush into it sometimes, and lose our head into all these thoughts.
Love, as they say, is a very powerful drug - so don't ignore what your head says either! :)
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