Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What's a 'bogan' in Danish?

In Australia, we call a certain type of person a 'bogan' . I think Americans say redneck. In the UK they say 'yobbo' but that get's a bit confusing because a 'yobbo' or 'yob' in Australia is someone who's very aggressive, as well as lacking culture and has no social skills and doesn't want them.

I have to admit, I haven't come across many in Denmark but I can't believe there's not a slang Danish word for them. The closest I've found is 'bisse' but someone told me that's not really right either.

So what is it?


Anonymous said...

Bonderøv. Says it all.

NotQuiteDanish said...

Yeah? Great. But what is the direct translation? Country bum?

Anonymous said...

Farmer's ass.

Irene said...

Bonderøv is more like a 'redneck'.

Idiot fits the bill pretty good, doens't it? ;-)

May said...

A Brian maybe?

Or a Benny-Båtnakke?

Kelli Nørgaard said...

well let me tell you... we HAVE THEM IN TEXAS!! And I am working on a blog from our trip of all the evidence of it!! :o)

Ida/FarEastLogbook said...

Haha! 'Johnny-Brian' for a guy, 'Conny-Laila' for a girl... I think 'bonderøv' is more of a big city take on the matter :-)